About Me
I have always been a student of how to make slow and steady progress in all areas of life. In a world which applauds exponential career success more than anything else I have stuck to my philosophy of life of slow incremental progress in all areas of life rather than focusing on any one. Every kind of lifestyle has a price. I keep asking myself what price am I ready to pay. Instead of the traditional belief of prioritizing only career during your 30-40s, I believe in daily progress in all roles, be it for self-care, as a parent, as a spouse, son, career, friend and as a part of a larger community. My blog is a way to express my thoughts on areas which I practice and think about deeply: Physical Fitness, Nutrition, Mental Fitness, Productivity and Family.
I started running long distance in 2011 and have been in love with the sport ever since. For me running is not only a way of remaining physically fit, it also allows me explore and work with my thoughts and helps bring mental clarity. I have finished 10 full marathons and 30+ half-marathons across Europe, Asia and US. Beyond using this blog as a forum to spread the importance of physical fitness, I want to emphasize the importance of mental fitness for overall health. In a world with social media, where a lot more of our time is getting consumed with external stimuli for almost all of our waking hours, I want to raise the importance of spending time with self and becoming more self-aware so that we engage with influences around us in a way that aligns with our internal desires and value system and not the other way-round.
I am a certified health coach from Dr. Sears Health Institute and work with my clients in the areas of running performance, diet, overall weight management and with professionals looking to building a healthy balance across various aspects of their life.
Born and raised in Delhi, India I have lived and worked across multiple Indian cities (Trichy, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Mumbai) before moving to Europe for studies and work. I currently live in Luxembourg with my wife and two sons.
Amit Tyagi