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This article is the first in the series of three articles. The first article will cover basics of “Optimal body composition” and simple steps we can take to make changes...
Through the last couple of years, I have experienced some pain in my shoulder blade after running the first few kilometers. At first it seemed odd to me that a sport...
I always thought that physical exercise trumps nutrition. I can put anything in my body but if I am exercising on a regular basis then I could overcome the negative...
Whenever I travel by plane I find it very interesting to observe how people get up from their seats the instant the plane comes to a halt. You can get off the plane only...
I got my first taste of running over 10km in 2012 and since then I have completed 30+ half marathons and 10 full marathons. I love running, I want to do it every single...
What is self-awareness? Just a couple of weeks back my dishwasher broke down. I bought a new one and paid for the device to be installed at my house. The technicians came...
When we think about productivity most of us think about our work responsibilities. However, we play many other roles in our lives – self (beyond work), spouse, parent...
Long time ago when I was a kid at school, Saturday was the best day of the week. I could get up late and my mother would make Aloo (potato) paranthas for me. After having...
Many a times we think of difficult emotions such as nervousness, anxiety, anger etc. as negatives and try to get rid of them. We fight a losing battle since these...